Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What my communications class has taught me about life

If you're not attractive, you're out of luck.
In relationships, jobs, you name it. The better looking person is always the winner. We watched this video on how equally qualified people but not equally good looking went for the same job. The attractive person overwhelming got the jobs over the "average" looking person. Now this seems obvious, if they are equally qualified, then there must be some deciding factor, soo... looks. I believe that if a less qualified, but more attractive person went for the job, they would win it over the less attractive, more qualified person.
Also, most jobs that need a face, like sales, marketing, etc. are going to be the better looking people. So if you're homely looking, go be a telemarketer or scientist or something. I think I would rather buy something I don't need from someone who looks like Dave Franco. Or James. Either one is fine.

If you want something you have to be assertive.
We should all be really direct so that we can communicate what we want to communicate. If you want to go on a date with someone you should just ask them instead of asking to borrow their pencil every day. If you want to have sex with them just ask them.

Why yes, yes I do, Dave.
Maybe this seems a little forward but I totally agree. The most annoying situation is when someone asks you to hang out. Like what does that mean??? Does this mean hang out or "hang out" Because sometimes I think hang out means hook up so I actually put makeup on and maybe even shave my legs but then I get there and they want to watch football and I mean that's cool I like football, but I fucking shaved my legs for you. ugh. And then sometimes I want to watch football but then all of a sudden the football on the tv isn't the only ball in front of your face. yikes. That's why people should just be clear so no one gets their hopes up or ends up in an awkward situation. Like I would rather awkwardly reject you now instead of walking all the way to your dorm and then having to leave. I'm too lazy for that shit.

People communicate because they want something from you.
Maybe they don't want like money or stuff from you but they want you to talk back to them, be their friend, get the fuck out of their life, bake cookies with them, etc. I think this pretty much sums up my texting life. But seriously, one of the things I hate is when I get a text that says, What's up. Like I will probably never respond to you if you send me that, or you will get some sort of crude or sarcastic response like, my dick or the ceiling. Also, "What's up" to me is just a sign that you are bored, you're a boring person, or you just don't know what else to say and therefore I really don't want to talk to you. Also, you will never get a "What's up" text from me, and if you do, that means someone took my phone. I think the only thing people want when they text that is the other person to respond so I guess you are giving them happiness, but I guess I'm a bitch and I don't want to give people happiness. I just feel like I'm being used to cure your boredom and I'm not about that life. For instance, I like to fill material needs vs. emotional needs like boredom. Why do I call my parents? (most of the time at least) So they'll send me care packages, pay for my plane ticket home, or not disown me.

We should all over think our interactions with people.
Because every nonverbal cue or interaction means something! What that is, well you'll have to figure that out yourself based on experience, cultural norms, your knowledge of the other person, etc. So say a guy gave you this look:

a)he was so shocked at your beauty he had to take a second look and clear his eyes.
b) your ugliness blinded him for 0.2 seconds so he had to refocus his vision.
c) he had something in his eyes like sparkles or pixi dust
d) he just woke up from a nap

That girl just touched your arm and batted her eyelashes. what does that mean??
a) she wants the D.
b) a guy she actually likes is nearby and she is trying to make him jealous.
c) her friend likes you and she is trying to get on your good side so she can set you guys up.
d) she is just a naturally flirty person and you're no one special.

I can't even include all of the things I've learned and I will probably learn more ridiculous things throughout the semester. Well, I've been writing this instead of looking at my notes so I hope it counts as studying for my test tomorrow.
Peace out, bitches.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Types of Facebook Notifications

The prolonged picture convo:
Maybe you started off in the conversation or maybe it's just one of your photos. This is most annoying when you don't even know the people who are having a conversation on the photo or when people are being weird and trying to flirt or something. What so you can be like, "oh yes children, your daddy first asked me out on a photo of a llama on Facebook. It was so cute. The conversation, and the llama too!" Please take your conversation to chat, please.

Game invites:
I think we all remember when FarmVille was a thing. Thank god I never joined that, I probably would have gotten addicted. But now Candy Crush is all the rage. I started playing and got to level 130 (on my phone) and my brother somehow convinced me to connect it to Facebook. But anyway I couldn't get passed this level so I got mad and deleted the app, but Facebook still sent me a million notifications every time my dad asked me to send him lives even though I told him I wasn' t playing anymore. Anyways, I just found out a couple days ago how to turn off these notifications and it's been the best thing since dried mangoes.

The tagged photos from last night:
Some people are super speedy in uploading photos from their phone and tag you in them right away. Usually this is okay because I am expecting what the photos are going to be. When it gets scary is when they do what I usually do, and wait an awkwardly long period of time to upload photos (I blame my phone because it doesn't sync to Facebook correctly so I have to email them to myself. lame.) and then before you look at the photos you have no clue what they are going to be of. Also I hate when people take candid photos of me or tag me when I am in the background of a photo because I usually look stupid. (If you look closely at the guy next to me, clearly we were making faces at something.)That is why I am glad my grandparents don't have Facebook because they always take pictures of me eating or in my pajamas or something.

Someone stalking your pics:
Now this can be fine or really creepy depending on who is liking your pics. For example, it's acceptable for your best friend to like all your profile pics and send you 100 notifications or find an old embarrassing picture of you that you left on before you learned how to un-tag yourself. When it gets creepy is when someone was clearly stalking you and you two aren't close enough for that to be an okay thing. If it continues and is followed by a creepy Facebook message, this usually leads to blocking on my part.

The Facebook group:
This is especially annoying when it is a group you can't really leave, or sometimes, like 1 out of 15 posts is actually something you need to pay attention to, so if you just turn off your notifications then you would probably never look at the group and miss out on everything then people would get mad at you and be like, didn't you know, I posted it on the Facebook group!