Saturday, December 14, 2013

8 Gifts a Cat Lover Actually Wants

Does your mom, sister or friend love cats as much as I do? (If your friend is a boy, mind setting us up?) Then no worries, here are some catastic gifts!

These are gifts that, as a cat lover, someone would actually want. Unlike that buzzfeed article. Crafting with Cat Hair? Um no thanks that is weird as fuck.

I've even attached the links for your online shopping convenience!

1. 12 Cats of Christmas


(I actually already have this book, so if you were thinking of getting it for me, sorry my neighbor beat ya to it last year)
Buy now!

2. Kitten Oven Mitt

Does she/he love cats? Does she/he love to cook? If you answered yes to both these questions than it would be a sin not to get them one of these. *hint hint, this is on my Pinterest Christmas list
Buy now!

3. Jingle Bell Cat Collar

Don't want your cat going after the partridge in the pear tree? This cute and functional collar should do the trick! The bells will be festive, plus warn any unassuming birdies that your cat is coming!

4. Cat Lint Rollers
They say no outfit is complete without cat hair, but when your cat is white and your outfit is black, sometimes people judge you.
Buy now!

5. Cat Butts Magnets
Your friend probably has cats instead of kids to make them homemade magnets for Christmas so this is the purrrfect gift
Buy now!

6. Cat Fancy Subscription

You can send in pictures of your cutest kitties and win contests, see pictures of weird looking cats, and learn some cat facts! How do I know this? I used to be subscribed to this magazine.
Subscribe now!

7. Aristocats

Cats+ Disney, what could be better?
Buy now!

8. A New Kitty!

If your friend already has all these gifts, then the no-fail gift, is another cat of course! Did you know having pets adds 5 years to your life. So have lots of pets, become immortal. Maybe.
Adopt me!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

10 Struggles of Being a Short Girl

While there are a few good things about being short like buying shoes from the kid's section (so much cheaper), there are also quite a few problems us shorties have to deal with on a regular basis. Here we go.

1. Being an arm rest for all your tall friends.
This girl is still smiling because she hasn't yet figured out that this will soon be a daily happening.

2. Not being able to reach the top shelf.
Or trying not to die when figuring out a way to reach it.

3. Having to pay twice as much for jeans to get them hemmed.
Even the "short" jeans are too long.

4. Being mistaken for being younger than you actually are.
I promise I'm legal!

5. Standing next to a tall guy makes you look like a small child.
He plays basketball in case you were wondering.

6. People trying to pick you up.
Please put me back down. Gently.

7.Sitting behind a tall person in class.
K. I guess I won't be taking notes today.

8. Wearing heels in order to be normal height.
And not even having the choice of wearing flats unless you only want the top of your head in all the pictures.

9. Feet are constantly dangling when sitting on anything.
At least they don't have to touch the cold floor?

10. Always being in the front row of pictures or the end of the "Cingular bars."
Guess which one is me!

But anyways, if you're short, embrace it. You won't have to worry about hitting your head on anything and you might be able to get away with ordering off the kid's menu (hello, mac and cheese!)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

What my communications class has taught me about life

If you're not attractive, you're out of luck.
In relationships, jobs, you name it. The better looking person is always the winner. We watched this video on how equally qualified people but not equally good looking went for the same job. The attractive person overwhelming got the jobs over the "average" looking person. Now this seems obvious, if they are equally qualified, then there must be some deciding factor, soo... looks. I believe that if a less qualified, but more attractive person went for the job, they would win it over the less attractive, more qualified person.
Also, most jobs that need a face, like sales, marketing, etc. are going to be the better looking people. So if you're homely looking, go be a telemarketer or scientist or something. I think I would rather buy something I don't need from someone who looks like Dave Franco. Or James. Either one is fine.

If you want something you have to be assertive.
We should all be really direct so that we can communicate what we want to communicate. If you want to go on a date with someone you should just ask them instead of asking to borrow their pencil every day. If you want to have sex with them just ask them.

Why yes, yes I do, Dave.
Maybe this seems a little forward but I totally agree. The most annoying situation is when someone asks you to hang out. Like what does that mean??? Does this mean hang out or "hang out" Because sometimes I think hang out means hook up so I actually put makeup on and maybe even shave my legs but then I get there and they want to watch football and I mean that's cool I like football, but I fucking shaved my legs for you. ugh. And then sometimes I want to watch football but then all of a sudden the football on the tv isn't the only ball in front of your face. yikes. That's why people should just be clear so no one gets their hopes up or ends up in an awkward situation. Like I would rather awkwardly reject you now instead of walking all the way to your dorm and then having to leave. I'm too lazy for that shit.

People communicate because they want something from you.
Maybe they don't want like money or stuff from you but they want you to talk back to them, be their friend, get the fuck out of their life, bake cookies with them, etc. I think this pretty much sums up my texting life. But seriously, one of the things I hate is when I get a text that says, What's up. Like I will probably never respond to you if you send me that, or you will get some sort of crude or sarcastic response like, my dick or the ceiling. Also, "What's up" to me is just a sign that you are bored, you're a boring person, or you just don't know what else to say and therefore I really don't want to talk to you. Also, you will never get a "What's up" text from me, and if you do, that means someone took my phone. I think the only thing people want when they text that is the other person to respond so I guess you are giving them happiness, but I guess I'm a bitch and I don't want to give people happiness. I just feel like I'm being used to cure your boredom and I'm not about that life. For instance, I like to fill material needs vs. emotional needs like boredom. Why do I call my parents? (most of the time at least) So they'll send me care packages, pay for my plane ticket home, or not disown me.

We should all over think our interactions with people.
Because every nonverbal cue or interaction means something! What that is, well you'll have to figure that out yourself based on experience, cultural norms, your knowledge of the other person, etc. So say a guy gave you this look:

a)he was so shocked at your beauty he had to take a second look and clear his eyes.
b) your ugliness blinded him for 0.2 seconds so he had to refocus his vision.
c) he had something in his eyes like sparkles or pixi dust
d) he just woke up from a nap

That girl just touched your arm and batted her eyelashes. what does that mean??
a) she wants the D.
b) a guy she actually likes is nearby and she is trying to make him jealous.
c) her friend likes you and she is trying to get on your good side so she can set you guys up.
d) she is just a naturally flirty person and you're no one special.

I can't even include all of the things I've learned and I will probably learn more ridiculous things throughout the semester. Well, I've been writing this instead of looking at my notes so I hope it counts as studying for my test tomorrow.
Peace out, bitches.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Types of Facebook Notifications

The prolonged picture convo:
Maybe you started off in the conversation or maybe it's just one of your photos. This is most annoying when you don't even know the people who are having a conversation on the photo or when people are being weird and trying to flirt or something. What so you can be like, "oh yes children, your daddy first asked me out on a photo of a llama on Facebook. It was so cute. The conversation, and the llama too!" Please take your conversation to chat, please.

Game invites:
I think we all remember when FarmVille was a thing. Thank god I never joined that, I probably would have gotten addicted. But now Candy Crush is all the rage. I started playing and got to level 130 (on my phone) and my brother somehow convinced me to connect it to Facebook. But anyway I couldn't get passed this level so I got mad and deleted the app, but Facebook still sent me a million notifications every time my dad asked me to send him lives even though I told him I wasn' t playing anymore. Anyways, I just found out a couple days ago how to turn off these notifications and it's been the best thing since dried mangoes.

The tagged photos from last night:
Some people are super speedy in uploading photos from their phone and tag you in them right away. Usually this is okay because I am expecting what the photos are going to be. When it gets scary is when they do what I usually do, and wait an awkwardly long period of time to upload photos (I blame my phone because it doesn't sync to Facebook correctly so I have to email them to myself. lame.) and then before you look at the photos you have no clue what they are going to be of. Also I hate when people take candid photos of me or tag me when I am in the background of a photo because I usually look stupid. (If you look closely at the guy next to me, clearly we were making faces at something.)That is why I am glad my grandparents don't have Facebook because they always take pictures of me eating or in my pajamas or something.

Someone stalking your pics:
Now this can be fine or really creepy depending on who is liking your pics. For example, it's acceptable for your best friend to like all your profile pics and send you 100 notifications or find an old embarrassing picture of you that you left on before you learned how to un-tag yourself. When it gets creepy is when someone was clearly stalking you and you two aren't close enough for that to be an okay thing. If it continues and is followed by a creepy Facebook message, this usually leads to blocking on my part.

The Facebook group:
This is especially annoying when it is a group you can't really leave, or sometimes, like 1 out of 15 posts is actually something you need to pay attention to, so if you just turn off your notifications then you would probably never look at the group and miss out on everything then people would get mad at you and be like, didn't you know, I posted it on the Facebook group!

Friday, August 23, 2013

8 Signs You've Been Watching Friday Night Lights

1. You can finish this: Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. __________.

2. You told your parents you wanted to go to Texas.

3. You Googled Dillon, Texas to see if it was a real town.

4. You wish your high school (or college team) had as much spirit as Dillon High School.

5. You've questioned whether it was okay to have a crush on sophomores in high school when you're a sophomore in college.

6. You wish you looked like Lyla Garrity.

7. You thought that using a quote from Finding Nemo might actually work as wedding vows.

8. Sometimes you forget that this is about High School Football.

Monday, August 12, 2013

10 things to know when visiting Portland

1. Public nudity is legal.

2. We like our bikes so much we even make them into art.

4. Subarus are the new mini vans.

5. Watch out for high profile crime.
"According to Portland police, officers responded to a domestic violence report at a residence in the 3200 block of Southeast 22nd Avenue at about 2:30 a.m. A woman told officers that her boyfriend, Grotberg, had assaulted her, and then choked her with his dreadlocks. Officers searched the neighborhood and located Grotberg, taking him into custody."

6. Know the difference between these rose gardens.

7. Be prepared to wait hours in line for donuts and ice cream.

8. Only tourists use umbrellas.

9. Please pronounce Oregon and Willamette correctly.

10. We don't pump our own gas.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Cooking 101

It has come to my attention that too many young people in this world do not know how to cook.
No, cooking does not include microwaving easy mac (although some people can’t even figure out that you need to put in water before you microwave it (*cough* *cough* Collins 2nd floor) so I am going to comprise a few cooking 101 rules, recipes and just some common sense.

1. Boxed Meals and Desserts

Please, please, please just read the directions. Boxed meals were made for soccer moms, college students and other cooking challenged individuals on a tight budget/schedule.

From brownies to hamburger helper, cooking from a box is pretty easy. All you need is a few fresh ingredients like water, oil, milk or meat, stir it all together and voila! you have yourself some pretty decent food.

            “Homemade brownies”—to make these seem like you didn’t just make these from a boring box and actually have some cooking skills, add other things like chocolate chips or walnuts, or before you put them in the oven squeeze some caramel sauce in lines and then use a fork and make cool designs like this:

You can also frost them after they cool. Tip: use a plastic knife instead of a butter or steak knife, your cuts will come out cleaner!

            Hamburger helper. Brown the meat FIRST. Do not just put all the ingredients in a giant skillet or you will get a greasy soupy mess. Browning hamburger is pretty much just cooking it until all the crumbles are brown and look like this:

Pretty simple. You don’t need to add any oil or butter because the fat from the hamburger will cook out and make its own “nonstick” liquid. After you brown the meat, drain out the grease in an empty can (not a beer can, unless you cut the top off that is going to be really messy. I would use a soup can.) DO NOT pour it down the drain. Basic chemistry lesson: the compounds in grease will solidify at room temperature or colder, aka the drain, and clog it up and then you will have to stare at a butt crack for the next 4 hours.

2. Pasta

Making pasta is probably one of the easiest and cheapest “real” meals you can make, and unless you are feeding a house full of boys it will probably last you a couple days. Everyone knows what spaghetti is, but my other favorites are penne, shells and the corkscrew pasta.
Here are the basics for boiling water: Get a big pot. Put a strainer in the sink. Fill the pot more than halfway but not quite ¾ way with water. Add a little salt. Turn on the burner. Watch it. Or at least be in the same room. Wait until the bubbles break the surface because if not, once you add the pasta, it’s going to stop boiling. When you are at a rolling boiling, kind of looks like river rapids, add the pasta, just pour it in, turn down the burner a little and separate the noodles with a fork or one of those fancy pasta scoopers which I doubt you have. You can put the lid on or not, I usually don’t because that fosters boiling over. Cook according to the package and then use oven mitts (Steam is hotter than you think) and drain. Rinse with cold water if you’d like.
Meanwhile…Get a saucepan and pour some marinara or alfredo sauce in or microwave it in a microwavable bowl. If you want to be fancy you can chop and sauté (that is cooking stuff in oil/butter over medium/low heat in a skillet) some mushrooms and onions and then put that in the sauce. Or see the hamburger helper section and put in browned meat.

Grate some cheese on top and some oregano/parsley/basil if you wanna be fancy…

It is also great for leftovers, just heat it up the next day or two or eat it cold. You can even put it in a sandwich. 

3. The Power of Bisquick

Bisquick is your best friend. You can make pancakes, waffles, biscuits, strawberry shortcake, and even fried chicken. The recipes are on the back of the box which is great! I recommend substituting buttermilk for milk in the pancakes and biscuits and especially trying the cheese-garlic biscuits but adding fresh garlic and chives into the mix instead of just brushing garlic butter on top. Also, make the drop biscuits because they are so much easier and quicker and you can just scoop the batter out with a spoon.They won't look like the picture but no one will care because they will taste fantastic.

4. Gourmet salads.
You may want to stick with iceberg lettuce and ranch if you are a picky eater.
lettuce: romaine, mesclun, spinach, arugula, kale
nuts/seeds: walnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, sliced almonds, sunflower seeds, etc.
dried fruit: dried cranberries, cherries, etc.
fresh fruit: blueberries, strawberries, mangoes, mandarin oranges, apples, etc.
cheese: gorgonzola, gruyere, blue cheese, feta
other veggies: tomatoes, avocado, carrots, red onions
meat: grilled sliced chicken, salmon, shrimp
dressings: balsamic vinaigrette, raspberry vinaigrette, Italian, poppy seed vinaigrette

I would pretty much just pick one from each category although you can experiment with your favorites. 
Here are some examples:
         -Mesculin and spinach with blackberries, nectarines, hazelnuts, feta and raspberry vinaigrette.
         -Romaine with salmon, sliced almonds, gruyere, apples and balsamic vinaigrette.
Congratulations. Now you have a spaghetti dinner with cheesy garlic biscuits, salad and brownies for dessert! Your friends will think you are a chef and thank you for filling their tummies with something other than ramen or cafeteria food.